Special Introduction Methods for Cats

The goal is to cause the least amount of stress on cats during an initial introduction. 

RULE: Introductions to new pets should always be SLOW and carefully monitored.

Introducing cats to other cats can be tricky as cats are not as social as dogs are. If you look at most cats in the wild, they’re actually fairly solitary creatures and they can be very, very territorial.

I recommend “protected contact” for cat introductions. Put the new cat in a room with the door closed. And you can let the cats sort of smell each other and stick a paw under the door. And kind of gets accustomed to the fact that there’s another cat in the home.

Then switch the cat positions (your existing cat now gets some alone time in the closed-off room while the new cat gets to explore).

Eventually, you will need to allow them to see each other face to face. Very commonly, there’s going to be some conflict. There could be some hissing and spitting and maybe a little bit of swatting so be prepared.

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